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Gut Health / Gastrointestinal System Disorders

The Gut-Thyroid Connection

The Gut-Thyroid Connection is well researched, with a strong interrelated connection present between the thyroid and gut.  Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut.” 2,500 years later we’re just beginning to understand how right he was.[1] In this article we will explore the Gut-Thyroid Connection, also known as the Gut-Thyroid Axis. Thyroid and gut…

Benefits of spore forming probiotics & soil based probiotics

Spore forming and soil based probiotics have many health benefits and are used by us clinically throughout Australia.  By definition, a probiotic is a food, product or preparation containing one or more microorganisms that when consumed, maintain or restore beneficial bacteria to the digestive tract. [1] Probiotics are made of good live bacteria and/or yeasts…

How do I heal a Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability or gut permeability, can create havoc in your body and lead to many unwanted symptoms that make it difficult to live well. Leaky gut is also a common underlying factor in many Autoimmune disease states. The good news, however, is that there are steps you can take,…

The difference between Celiac disease and gluten intolerance and sensitivity

There has been a rise the number of people who are choosing to live a gluten-free lifestyle but there is still some confusion around the reasons for their choice and varying severity of their symptoms. Reactions to gluten are varied and not all point to an allergy or adverse outcome. Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity…

High Cholesterol – Is your cholesterol too high and should you be on a statin?

Cholesterol is essential for the normal functioning of the body. Many Australians have elevated cholesterol and are unsure if they are at risk of artery damage, according to the Health Department of WA, 1 in 3 Perth residents have been told by the doctor they have elevated cholesterol.  Keeping your blood cholesterol at a healthy…

What exactly is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet?

  The AIP diet, autoimmune paleo diet or autoimmune protocol diet is often recommended to patients that are suffering from a reactive autoimmune condition.  More and more research shows how our gut health influences everything from our weight, to our mood, to our cognitive ability. It can be the reason for chronic health conditions, the…

Types of psoriasis and how your gut health could be the underlying cause

  Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that speeds up the lifecycle of your skin cells. Its symptoms manifest on your skin yet it is caused by your immune system going rogue and attacking your own tissues. When it comes to psoriasis treatment options, conventional medicine uses a “one-size-fits-all” approach to address psoriasis symptoms.   A…

Effect of oxalates on your gut microbiota, kidney health and how to eat a low oxalate diet

Most healthy people who consume a varied diet don’t need to worry about oxalates or a ‘low oxalate diet’. They’ll consume, on average, 200-300 mg of oxalates per day with no health issues as a result. But there are two categories of people who do need to be aware of the potential risks of excessive…

The difference between food allergy and food intolerance Australia

Physical reactions to certain foods are common, but most are caused by a food intolerance rather than a food allergy. Food intolerance in Australia can cause some of the same signs and symptoms as a food allergy, so people often confuse the two. A true food allergy causes an immune system reaction that affects numerous…

Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance Australia: common symptoms and naturally treat gluten reactions

The ingestion of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, is linked to several clinical disorders including wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and severe gluten intolerance in Australia. Evidence states that one in 70 Australians have celiac disease with four out of five people remaining undiagnosed. 1 The rates of gluten sensitivity are…