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What are biofilms and are they harmful?

What are biofilms and are they harmful?

May 30 2022 By Jarrod Category: Immune system,

Biofilms are the barriers that form around infections, tumours, injury and illness in the body to prevent their spread. In this sense, they protect us from disease. But these barriers can also prevent the immune system, medications and therapies from reaching these areas when they are needed, meaning that you won’t get better until the…

Vitamin B12 deficiency and how it can impact your health

May 30 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

There are many different types of B vitamins that each have their own role in how your body functions. Vitamin B12 deficiency, commonly underdiagnosed by conventional medicine, is an increasingly common deficiency across a broad spectrum of our population. This deficiency has been estimated to affect about 40 percent of people over 60 years of…

How do FODMAPS affect your digestion?

FODMAP, which stands for fermentable oligo-saccharides, di-saccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, are different types of starches and sugars. In addition to balancing a person’s gut bacteria, following a low FODMAP diet is one of the most effective methods to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and other gastrointestinal disorders. What…

Cold Water Immersion – Take the plunge?

A growing number of athletes, trainers, celebrities and wellness influencers are espousing the use of cold-water immersion therapy. But what is it, how do you do it properly and can it really be of benefit to our health? When practiced on a regular basis, cold water immersion therapy can provide long-lasting changes to your body’s…

The link between the gut and our mental health

The rate of mental health issues in Australia is increasing. The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing conducted in 2007 found that an estimated 1 in 5 (20%) Australians aged 16–85 experienced a mental disorder in the previous 12 months (ABS 2008). 1 With such a high proportion of our communities reporting mental health…

Why is gut health so important? 

April 18 2022 By Jarrod Category: Gut Health,

The gut microbiome is the foundation of good health. Good gut health brings a balance between the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system. Poor gut health, also known as gut dysbiosis, not only affects your digestion, but multiple systems of the body and your overall health and wellbeing. It can affect your brain…

Stress, the body and disease

April 17 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support, Uncategorized,

Stress is the body’s reaction to harmful situations – whether they’re real or perceived. When you feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in your body that allows you to act in a way to prevent injury. This reaction is known as “fight-or-flight” or the stress response. During the stress response, your heart rate increases, breathing quickens, muscles…

Adenomyosis: What is it?

March 15 2022 By Jarrod Category: Womens Health,

Many women in Australia and worldwide aren’t aware they have adenomyosis because the condition doesn’t always cause symptoms. The condition may affect 20% to 65% of females in Australia and USA. March is Adenomyosis and Endometriosis Awareness Month, so we will be exploring the similarities and differences between the two. Many of our patients ask…

What is a Health Coach and How Can They Help You?

“It’s going to be my New Year’s Resolution” – we’re all familiar with that saying.  You decide that you want to be healthier—exercise more, eat better, lose weight, feel less stressed or get a health problem under control. You set your goal, such as walking 30 minutes every day—and for a while you manage to…

A Functional Approach to COVID-19

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to reevaluate so much of our lives, to focus on those we love, and what is most important. As an act of self-preservation and as an act of service to all our friends, neighbours, co-workers, and fellow West Australians it is imperative that we now, more than ever, focus…