Gastritis refers to acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is a condition caused by a variety of conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Food allergies, gut pathogens, bacterial overgrowth and poor digestion are all commons causes. Once gastritis is present, we find most patients become sensitive to many foods with bloating, fatigue, skin conditions and stomach pains being common symptoms.
Gastritis may be caused by a number of underlying disorders.
- Acute causes
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- NSAID use
- Post-surgery
- Severe infection
- Chronic causes
- Bacterial infection, especially Helicobacter pylori
- Other bacterial infections or the gut, parasites, insufficient healthy gut flora
- Prolonged excessive alcohol consumption
- Prolonged tobacco smoking
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Chronic bile reflux
- Stress
- Auto-immune disorders
- Use of medications e.g. NSAIDs, aspirin
- History of pernicious anaemia or gastric lymphoma
Signs & symptoms of Gastritis
- Central abdominal pain: most common
- Indigestion, belching
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea, vomiting
- Feeling of fullness or bloating in upper abdomen
Differential diagnosis
- Non-ulcerative dyspepsia
- Peptic ulcer
- Gastric cancer
- Gastroenteritis
- Coeliac disease
- Pancreatic disease
- Advanced stool analysis
- H.pylori test
- SIBO Breath test
- Endoscopy if required
- Intestinal permeability
- Identify/address underlying cause (e.g. Gut dysbiosis, bacterial infections or parasites, NSAID use etc.)
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Treat infection if indicated (e.g. Helicobacter pylori)
- Repair gastric mucosa
Diet plan guidelines for Gastritis
- Avoid food triggers: alcohol, sugar, coffee, spicy foods, acidic foods, nitrates, salty foods
- Eliminate any known or suspected food allergens
- Avoid overeating or eating too fast
- Increase fibre intake, especially soluble fibre
- Cabbage juice, cabbage soup or sauerkraut: reparative to gut
- Coconut oil: reparative to gut
- Increase intake of sulphur-containing foods e.g. garlic, onion, brassica vegetables
Supplements that support Gastritis
- Slippery elm: Helps soothe and repair stomach mucosa
- Glutamine repair gut lining
- Probiotics – can exacerbate symptoms where bacterial overgrowth is present
- Zinc: enhance gut repair
- Omega-3 EFAs: reduce inflammation
- Curcumin: reduce inflammation
- Vitamin B12 may be indicated in patients with pernicious anaemia or with H.pylori infection
Herbal medicine treatment that supports Gastritis
- Demulcents: licorice, marshmallow, slippery elm
- Antimicrobials: barberry, goldenseal, oregano, cinnamon, thyme
- Repair gastric mucosa: calendula, goldenseal
Gastritis is a side effect of an underlying condition that requires treatment.
Poor digestive function, SIBO, bacterial overgrowth of the digestive tract and parasites and bacterial infections are the most common underlying pathological reasons for gastritis.
A functional medicine approach treats these underlying dysfunctions and allows the digestive system to repair, improving motility, absorption and overall digestive function. This results in gastritis symptoms resolving without the continued use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) or other acid neutralising medications that can have long term side effects.
At our Perth clinic of Advanced Functional Medicine we have experience with gastritis and other digestive disorders.
If you or a family member require assistance with gastritis or other digestive disorder we would love to hear from you. What are your main triggers foods? Are you taking medications to control your symptoms, if so, what type? Please write a comment below.