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What Is Nicotinamide Riboside And Is It Good For Longevity And Anti-aging

What Is Nicotinamide Riboside And Is It Good For Longevity And Anti-aging

October 23 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) has recently been discovered as having several health benefits as an anti-aging and longevity vitamin, including increasing energy, boosting cognitive health, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting DNA repair, due to its ability to raise coenzyme NAD+ levels. So, what exactly is it, how does it work, and does it…

Vitamin B12 deficiency and how it can impact your health

May 30 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

There are many different types of B vitamins that each have their own role in how your body functions. Vitamin B12 deficiency, commonly underdiagnosed by conventional medicine, is an increasingly common deficiency across a broad spectrum of our population. This deficiency has been estimated to affect about 40 percent of people over 60 years of…

MTHFR: Genetic mutation may be an underlying cause of weight gain or prevent weight loss

How the MTHFR genetic mutation could be contributing to weight gain or stopping your weight loss attempt If you have an MTHFR genetic mutation you may be experiencing a number of different symptoms, including ineffective weight loss. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, histamine intolerance, chronic pain, mental health disorders, amongst many others which vary in…