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13 Natural Ways To Stop Bloating

13 Natural Ways To Stop Bloating

August 03 2023 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

We’ve all experienced that bloated feeling from time to time; after eating a big meal or after eating foods that don’t agree with us. But what should you do if you experience bloating frequently? Find out what may be causing your bloating and what you can do about it. What is bloating? Bloating is a…

Cleanse Your Body of Parasites, Yeast and Bacteria For Better Health

If you’re struggling with gut dysbiosis, inflammation or other chronic conditions, parasites, yeast overgrowth or “bad” bacteria in the gut may be to blame. These three are the underlying cause of many illnesses. You may not even know about some that are present in your body, but others can cause serious health problems. It’s important…

Gallbladder Problems And Gut Inflammation

November 14 2022 By Jarrod Category: Liver and Gall Bladder,

Gallbladder disease can include inflammation, infection, stones or blockage of the gallbladder. Gallstone disease is a very common problem in Australia, with around 25% of the population developing gallstones before the age of 50. Research tells us that inflammation in the gut and leaky gut can be caused by gallbladder issues, and in turn, poor…

How do FODMAPS affect your digestion?

FODMAP, which stands for fermentable oligo-saccharides, di-saccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, are different types of starches and sugars. In addition to balancing a person’s gut bacteria, following a low FODMAP diet is one of the most effective methods to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and other gastrointestinal disorders. What…

The Rosacea – SIBO Connection

The Connection Between Rosacea and SIBO Rosacea patients have a higher prevalence of SIBO than the general Australian population. There is a direct link between Rosacea and SIBO, which will be discussed in this article. Rosacea Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the central face; typically involving the cheeks, nose, middle part…

SIBO: What causes small intestinal bacterial overgrowth & Functional Medicine approach to SIBO

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a form of gut dysbiosis affecting the small intestine, requiring specialised SIBO treatment to return the gut to optimal health and improving overall wellbeing. We specialise in the treatment SIBO at our Perth clinic of Advanced Functional Medicine, treating patients both in Perth and Australia wide. Initially thought to…