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Blastocystis Parasite – What Is It And Why You Want To Get Rid Of It

Blastocystis Parasite – What Is It And Why You Want To Get Rid Of It

August 18 2023 By Jarrod Category: Gut Health,

There is much conflicting information to be found on this particular parasite – the Blastocystis Hominis parasite. Some say it’s harmless and to be left untreated as part of your microbiome. But many medical practitioners and functional medicine experts will tell you that it definitely isn’t harmless and if you do have it, you want…

Cleanse Your Body of Parasites, Yeast and Bacteria For Better Health

If you’re struggling with gut dysbiosis, inflammation or other chronic conditions, parasites, yeast overgrowth or “bad” bacteria in the gut may be to blame. These three are the underlying cause of many illnesses. You may not even know about some that are present in your body, but others can cause serious health problems. It’s important…