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What exactly is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet?

What exactly is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet?

  The AIP diet, autoimmune paleo diet or autoimmune protocol diet is often recommended to patients that are suffering from a reactive autoimmune condition.  More and more research shows how our gut health influences everything from our weight, to our mood, to our cognitive ability. It can be the reason for chronic health conditions, the…

Impact of toxins and heavy metals on methylation

  Many toxins and metals can adversely affect your health, and many are damaging to DNA methylation, particularly if you have a MTHFR mutation.  Growing evidence shows that environmental metal exposure involves changes in epigenetic marks, which may lead to a possible link between heritable changes in gene expression and disease susceptibility and development. Protection…

Types of psoriasis and how your gut health could be the underlying cause

  Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that speeds up the lifecycle of your skin cells. Its symptoms manifest on your skin yet it is caused by your immune system going rogue and attacking your own tissues. When it comes to psoriasis treatment options, conventional medicine uses a “one-size-fits-all” approach to address psoriasis symptoms.   A…

MTHFR: Genetic mutation may be an underlying cause of weight gain or prevent weight loss

How the MTHFR genetic mutation could be contributing to weight gain or stopping your weight loss attempt If you have an MTHFR genetic mutation you may be experiencing a number of different symptoms, including ineffective weight loss. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, histamine intolerance, chronic pain, mental health disorders, amongst many others which vary in…

Paleo Diet – your questions answered

May 25 2020 By Jarrod Category: Frequently Asked Questions,

How to make the Paleo Diet suit me Everyone seems to have an opinion of the paleo diet at the moment – some claim that it’s bad news for your health whilst others espouse it’s a cure all for everything.  There are, however, many variations on the paleo diet. Some plans are strict, some less…

Autoimmune disease protocol diet (AIP) and how nutrition and gut health can assist with symptoms

January 02 2020 By Jarrod Category: Autoimmune Disorders, Immune system,

In contemporary society, more and more people are finding that underlying their chronic health conditions is an autoimmune disease and impaired gut health.  There are strong links between Autoimmune disease and Gut Health. Autoimmune diseases have a strong link to the state of our gut health. With a Functional Medicine approach, you can learn how…