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Functional Medicine Doctor
Jarrod Cooper - ND

Functional Medicine Perth

Uncover the Root Causes of your Health Problems

Perth Integrative & Functional Medicine clinic

Featured Articles

The benefits and uses of NAC in Australia

The benefits and uses of NAC in Australia

What are the Benefits and uses of NAC?  Firstly, lets understand what NAC is.  NAC, also known as N-acetyl cysteine, is a super nutrient with many benefits.  In our clinics in Perth and across Australia we use NAC regularly to assist in detoxification and to support a range of functions in patients.  NAC is made…

Oxalates and chronic disease – is yeast or candida the underlying answer?      

Oxalates and chronic disease – is yeast or candida the underlying answer?      

Oxalate sensitivity could be linked to underlying yeast or candida overgrowth.  Oxalate, also known as oxalic acid, is an organic compound found in many plant foods. For most of us, oxalates cause few to no issues but for some people with sensitivities, when the level of oxalates is high, it can lead to an abundance…

 Managing autoimmune disease with glutathione

 Managing autoimmune disease with glutathione

Glutathione and Autoimmune disease need to be discussed together.  In today’s world, even in Australia, our bodies have a lot to cope with – stress, lack of sleep, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, high sugar consumption, food intolerances and the list goes on… add an autoimmnue disorder in the mix and the stress and inflammation potential…

Preventing and treating dementia the Functional Medicine way

Preventing and treating dementia the Functional Medicine way

It is estimated that Dementia treatment in Australia is amounts to between 400,000 and 459,000 cases in 2020 with Alzheimer’s disease accounting for up to 70% of diagnosed cases. The number of people with dementia is expected to increase to between 550,000 and 590,000 by 2030. [1] The term dementia describes a group of conditions…




Meet the Australian Advanced Functional Medicine Team

Jarrod and the team work together on all cases during the Medical Review stage and as required throughout the patient journey. 

Both In Person and Telehealth appointments are available.  Telehealth patients across Australia have access to the same resources and testing options as face to face patients. 

We are electronically linked with all major Medical Testing Labs across Australia.  All appointments are conducted through a secure medical link, no need to download any software with access available from your smartphone or PC. 

To manage all aspects of your healthcare journey, patients have access to our secure Patient Portal.  Medical test results can be viewed in the portal when complete.  Patients also have the ability to direct message their practitioner or admin staff and upload previous test results for practitioner review.

New technology and laboratory integration has made the highest level of healthcare available to everyone, no matter where you live.

Google Reviews

Courtney Sharp
March 24, 2024
Bruce Thomas
March 18, 2024
Belinda O'Connell
March 6, 2024
Emma Di Marco
March 5, 2024
Aleisha Kaeding
February 15, 2024
Morgan R
February 8, 2024
Travis Mckenzie
January 31, 2024
Carrie Grierson
January 28, 2024
minty browne
January 25, 2024
Elizabeth Ricketts
January 25, 2024
Mon A
January 23, 2024
December 19, 2023
Conor Reynolds
December 13, 2023
Tom M
November 15, 2023
Most East
October 17, 2023
William Barlette
October 9, 2023
Aaron Clifford
October 7, 2023
September 25, 2023
Daniel Leeflang
September 13, 2023
Melissa Lee
September 1, 2023

What is Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a science-based whole systems approach to healthcare that treats the body as a whole. Rather than just treating symptoms, we investigate the underlying causes of your disease and correct these imbalances. This approach addresses the problem at the root cause, meaning the problem is resolved, instead of being masked by a medication or supplement.

To find out more about our Functional Medicine clinic in Perth and how Jarrod will uncover what is driving your symptoms or disease state, please click here.

The Advanced Functional Medicine Process

Integrative Medicine Perth
Your Case History

At our Perth clinic of Advanced Functional Medicine we listen to your story and build a comprehensive case on both your current symptoms and full life history. We work with you to investigate your underlying causes of disease and imbalances

Functional Medicine Perth
Advanced Functional Testing

We venture further than standard lab testing, with our Advanced Functional Testing capabilities allowing us to thoroughly investigate. Often there are multiple areas of your body that are not functioning correctly which contribute to your condition.

Advanced Functional Medicine
Targeted treatment protocol

With the information obtained from your initial consultation, lab testing and case review, we will provide a targeted and specific treatment protocol with a timeline to get your body back to optimal condition using supplements, herbal medicine and diet & lifestyle measures.

Integrative doctor Perth
Ongoing Support

Our integrative medicine practitioners will be there to guide you through your treatment protocol and timeline as much as required. Some patients don’t need a lot of ongoing support after their initial treatment protocol, while others require regular check-ins. We have a dedicated online patient portal that allows questions, updates and messages to be delivered securely 24/7.

Perth Clinic

Advanced Functional Medicine

4 Antony St
Palmyra WA 6157

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