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Celeste Jones


About - Celeste Jones

Celeste is a degree qualified Clinical Naturopath,  Integrative & Functional Medicine Practitioner.

She has a special interest in a number of key areas including Women’s Health & Hormones, Acne & Skin conditions, Gut Health, Thyroid, Autoimmunity, Fatigue, Anxiety & Stress, Sleep, & Health Optimisation. 

Celeste is furthering her education at Master’s level through The University of Western Australia. She is a caring clinician that enjoys doing the ‘health detective’ work to find the root cause of her patient’s health concerns. 

Celeste Jones - ND
Clinical Naturopath, Integrative and Functional Medicine Practitioner

I am a degree qualified Clinical Naturopath, Functional and Integrative Medicine Practitioner.

Within clinical practice, I have access to an extensive array of both functional and conventional pathology testing, and utilise in depth case questioning to gather a detailed case history. Considering deficiencies, intolerances, microbial health, neurotransmitters, hormones, adrenal function, biochemical imbalances, epigenetics, organ system functions, toxin exposure, detoxification and more.

Treatment plans are personally tailored according to your clinical assessment and test results. Prescriptive interventions regularly include; practitioner only nutraceuticals and bespoke herbal medicines, food as medicine, biohacking, and mindset coaching tools so patients feel equipped to make the required behaviour changes.

Holistic care is at the core of my approach with any condition, whether chronic or acute in nature. Intertwining the latest evidence-based and scientific research with traditional healing practices. I do not believe in isolation of parts, we work together on your mind, body, and spirit so you can become the best version of yourself possible, in all areas.

My health story

At 18 years old I was living with anorexia nervosa which led to hormonal imbalances, amenorrhea (lost my period), chronic cystic acne that covered my entire face, back and chest. Resulting in multiple courses of antibiotics, cascading into digestive issues and severe bloating. Simultaneously, I was experiencing, anxiety, depression, and OCD. My self-confidence was non-existent, leading me to be house bound for months. After feeling like all options had been exhausted, hope was sparked after my Mum had taken me to see a Naturopath, who not only helped me, but inspired me to pursue this as a career.

Throughout my degree, I started to experience chronic fatigue, pain, and burnout. Soon after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, MTHFR, epstein-barr virus, and hypermobility spectrum disorder. However, I continued to work on my health and implement what I was learning, gradually peeling back the onion layers to return to optimum vitality, happiness, clear skin and regulate my menstrual cycle.

Personally, I deeply believe our bodies hold the capacity to heal when they’re provided the right environment. Perhaps through my own experience, I hold the empathy, warmth, and understanding, so many of us are searching for in clinicians. Wishful that my story brings you hope.

Journey to Functional Medicine

Whilst growing up natural healing practices were instilled into my lifestyle by my Mum and Grandma. Homemade vegetable juices, shots of olive leaf extract, sultanas were lollies, and if any health concerns cropped up, it was guaranteed to be followed by a phone call from my grandma telling us what page to turn to in ‘How to Get Well, Dr. Airola’s Handbook of Natural Healing’

A childhood embedded with natural healing practices was the seed planted. After experiencing my cocktail of health issues (as outlined in my health story) this was the catalyst for me to enrol and successfully complete a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) degree.

Throughout my degree I spent many years working in community pharmacies, health shops, natural medicine spaces, a hospital, and nursing homes. I couldn’t help to notice a pattern of both polypharmacy (over prescription of pharmaceuticals) and green allopathy (over prescription of supplements). Leading me to complete practitioner training in functional medicine, and to practice the ‘test don’t guess’ philosophy. Subsequently, providing ‘data’ for precise, accurate and personalised interventions that aim to address the root cause of disease and underlying drivers of illness, whilst avoiding overprescribing, inaccurate interventions, and symptomatic suppression.

Dedicated to ongoing learning, I am currently pursuing a Master of Biomedical Science with specialisation in Food Biochemistry at The University of Western Australia. Additionally, I keep up to date with the latest research, receive mentoring, attend practitioner trainings, and seminars. 

Qualifications & Mentorships:

  • Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) - Naturopathic Doctor (ND)
  • Master of Biomedical Science (Food Biochemistry) - In Progress
  • BioConcepts MasterSeries Principles of Women’s Reproductive Health - Leah Hechtman
  • Vitae Mosaic Naturopathic Functional Medicine - Carla Wrenn
  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness
  • Australian Natural Therapists Association - Registered

Clinical Special Interests

  • Women’s hormones (e.g. PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, menstrual irregularities, menopause)
  • Skin conditions (e.g. Acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea)
  • Thyroid (e.g. Hashimoto’s, graves, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
  • Gut (e.g. Crohn’s, IBD, IBS, diverticulitis, food sensitivities, celiac disease, parasites, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, digestion)
  • Anxiety, Stress and Overwhelm
  • Fatigue and Burnout
  • Longevity and General Wellbeing


I am currently in clinical practice at Advanced Functional Medicine, located within 4 Antony Healthcare Specialist Centre in Palmyra, Western Australia. I see patients face-to-face in Perth and offer Telehealth for those around Australia and New Zealand, or those who aren't able to come in for in person care.