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Nutrition & Lifestyle Support

13 Natural Ways To Stop Bloating

August 03 2023 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

We’ve all experienced that bloated feeling from time to time; after eating a big meal or after eating foods that don’t agree with us. But what should you do if you experience bloating frequently? Find out what may be causing your bloating and what you can do about it. What is bloating? Bloating is a…

Underlying Reasons For Chronic Inflammation: How To Treat And Prevent It

May 17 2023 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

Inflammation, even Chronic Inflammation, can be happening in the body long before we can diagnose any issues. But what is it exactly, and most importantly, how can we avoid it? What is inflammation? Inflammation is part of the body’s defence mechanism. It is the process by which the immune system recognises and removes harmful and…

Common Symptoms Of Long Covid – How Can Functional Medicine Help?

May 09 2023 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

After three and a half years, COVID-19 in Australia is still with us. Most people who contract the virus recover within a few weeks but a significant portion of the population (5 – 10 percent) continue to experience health problems long after having COVID-19. This is now known as Long Covid, and an increasing body…

Weight Loss: A Functional Medicine Approach

March 30 2023 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

Significant numbers of people have difficulty losing weight when they don’t have a plan to follow or advice from an expert. A Functional Medicine health practitioner will work with you to look for the root causes(s) of weight gain and offer you a path to weight loss that is designed especially for you. The figures…

Akkermansia Muciniphila – Super Probiotic

If you’re familiar with probiotics, you will have heard of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria and their benefits to the human body. But there is another microorganism, only discovered in the last 20 years, that lives in your gut and has a huge impact on your health – Akkermansia muciniphila. What is it, what good does it…

Mercury Accumulation In The Body

Mercury toxicity and heavy metal toxicity are more common in Australia than one might think.  There are three common ways we are exposed to mercury – through dental fillings, ingestion of contaminated fish or occupational exposure. The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers mercury as one of the top ten chemicals or groups of chemicals of…

What Is Nicotinamide Riboside And Is It Good For Longevity And Anti-aging

October 23 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) has recently been discovered as having several health benefits as an anti-aging and longevity vitamin, including increasing energy, boosting cognitive health, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting DNA repair, due to its ability to raise coenzyme NAD+ levels. So, what exactly is it, how does it work, and does it…

Taking care of your eyes naturally

October 10 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

For the most part, we accept what’s handed to us genetically when it comes to our eyesight and the health of eyes. But are there some ways we can promote good eye health through a healthy diet, better lifestyle choices and some supportive supplements? The answer is yes! Common eye conditions The four most common…

The negative side effects of a gluten-free diet

August 17 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support, Uncategorized,

Gluten avoidance is essential for someone living with celiac disease and may be beneficial for people with gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome. But even though only one percent of the population experience these disorders, living gluten-free is popular among many people who do not have proven gluten-related diseases. In fact, a gluten-free diet…

Nutrition – What You Need To Know About Staying Mentally Healthy

July 12 2022 By Jarrod Category: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support,

We know that our diet and our mental health are inextricably linked. Extensive research has demonstrated that good nutrition is associated with better mental health outcomes and a poor diet can lead to a number of different conditions such as depression and anxiety. But why is this so? And what can we do about it?…