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September 10 2019 By Jarrod Category: Cardiovascular Disease, Conditions,

Haemochromatosis – Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatment Haemochromatosis is excess iron accumulated in the body. If left untreated, it will eventually cause damage and failure of the liver, heart, kidneys and other organs.  Haemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder in Australia and affects approximately 1 in 200 people (1) Hemochromatosis is commonly misdiagnosed as…


September 10 2019 By Jarrod Category: Cardiovascular Disease, Conditions,

Anemia – Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatment Anemia is a condition where the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry the oxygen to the tissues of the body.  It is characterised by a deficiency in red blood cell volume (<42% in men, < 36% in women) or in the concentration of haemoglobin (<…

Vaginal Infections

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Vaginal Infections – Cause, Symptoms & Natural Treatment Vaginal infections account for nearly 90% of vaginitis in women of reproductive age. Untreated vaginal infections may ascend into the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries and lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and/or infertility. Causes of Vaginal Infections Vaginitis: mainly caused by vaginal infection or overgrowth of normal…

Premenstural Syndrome (PMS)

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

PMS – Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatment  Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterised by a number of somatic and psychological symptoms that occur during the week before menses begins and end within a few days of the onset of bleeding. It affects approximately 75% of menstruating women to some degree.  Women can suffer PMS to varying…

Uterine Fibroids

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Uterine Fibroids – Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatment Uterine fibroids are estrogen-responsive benign fibrous tumours in the uterine muscle. They may be single or multiple and the size may vary from microscopic to grapefruit-sized or bigger.   Approximately 5% of women in Australia will be diagnosed with the condition during their child bearing years. Uterine…

Pregnancy Support

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE SUPPORT FOR PREGNANCY Pregnancy is a wonderful period with much to celebrate with the expecting arrival of a child.  Preparation and care should be taken prior to conception and during pregnancy to ensure the mother’s body is in good condition, well-nourished and able to provide the necessary nutrients throughout the duration of gestation. …

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Natural Treatment of PCOS  – Perth & Australia wide PCOS is an increasingly common hormone condition that causes ovarian cysts to form on a woman’s ovaries.   It is caused by an imbalance of female hormones. At our Perth clinic we specialise in the treatment of PCOS and treat the underlying causes of PCOS. It affects…


September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Menopause – Symptoms and Natural Treatment Menopause is a normal event marked by the cessation of menstruation for 1 year.  It usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.  The transition time leading up to complete termination of menses is called peri-menopause which is characterised by hormonal fluctuation and menstrual changes.  Peri-menopause may last…

Female Infertility

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Natural Treatment of Infertility Female infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or maintain a pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. Many of of Perth clinic patients fall pregnant after addressing underlying causes of infertility such as MTHFR, methylation, gut health and hormone imbalance. Natural infertility treatment is an excellent option to try…

Endometriosis Treatment

September 09 2019 By Jarrod Category: Conditions, Womens Health,

Endometriosis – Signs, Symptoms & Natural Treatment  Endometriosis occurs when endometrial growths develop outside the uterine cavity. Functioning ectopic endometrial glands and stroma typically occur on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, outer wall of uterus, bowel, rectum, ureters or bladder.  In Perth and Australia wide, Endometriosis is one of the leading causes of menstrual irregularity for…