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Frequently Asked Questions

Keto Diet Australia: A complete guide that answers all your questions

How to follow the Keto Diet for the most successful outcomes  Do you have questions about the Ketogenic or Keto Diet Australia?  These days, many people are successfully losing weight and improving their health by ‘going keto’. “Some tout it as a cure-all for everything from diabetes to cancer, while others express skepticism or disagree…

Paleo Diet – your questions answered

May 25 2020 By Jarrod Category: Frequently Asked Questions,

How to make the Paleo Diet suit me Everyone seems to have an opinion of the paleo diet at the moment – some claim that it’s bad news for your health whilst others espouse it’s a cure all for everything.  There are, however, many variations on the paleo diet. Some plans are strict, some less…

What is Functional Medicine? Your questions answered

May 04 2020 By Jarrod Category: Frequently Asked Questions,

What is Functional Medicine? Functional Medicine, (also known as Integrative Medicine, Natural Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicine), is an integrative, science-based approach to health care with a focus on patient-centred care.  It provides alternative therapies by blending natural medicine and the latest scientific research to address the underlying causes of disease. Rather than…