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The toxic effects of hidden mould

The toxic effects of hidden mould

Some people get sick from exposure to mould. Others have no symptoms and don’t experience ill effects of any kind. Let’s look at the potential dangers of mould exposure, symptoms of mould illness and how you can treat it, as well as how you can reduce your exposure to mould.  What is mould exactly? Mould…

How low dose naltrexone could benefit your health condition

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) has emerged has an effective treatment for many chronic health conditions, pain management and autoimmune conditions.  Naltrexone is a medication that was originally used to help manage alcohol and opioid addiction by preventing the “high” caused by these substances. It is now also used in low doses, termed Low Dose Naltrexone…

The difference between Celiac disease and gluten intolerance and sensitivity

There has been a rise the number of people who are choosing to live a gluten-free lifestyle but there is still some confusion around the reasons for their choice and varying severity of their symptoms. Reactions to gluten are varied and not all point to an allergy or adverse outcome. Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity…

How to optimise mitochondria and Energy Production 

Recent Australian studies state that about 1 in 200 people will carry a mitochondrial genetic defect – that equates to nearly 120,000 Australians.(1)  Not all these people will develop illness but may develop mild symptoms that go undetected throughout their lifetime.  Many other people without a genetic predisposition can also have mitochondria dysfunction through biochemical…

High Cholesterol – Is your cholesterol too high and should you be on a statin?

Cholesterol is essential for the normal functioning of the body. Many Australians have elevated cholesterol and are unsure if they are at risk of artery damage, according to the Health Department of WA, 1 in 3 Perth residents have been told by the doctor they have elevated cholesterol.  Keeping your blood cholesterol at a healthy…

Why do I have a Brain Fog? 

Brain fog, also described as mental fatigue, is a symptom of other medical conditions. It’s a type of cognitive dysfunction involving: memory problems lack of mental clarity – slow thinking or not thinking clearly poor concentration inability to focus  feeling confused or forgetful a kind of haziness or mental fatigue When is brain fog a…

Combatting Menstrual Migraines Naturally

  More than 70% of menstrual migraines sufferers in Australia are women. And more than half of them get severe, debilitating headaches before or during their periods. This is often caused by estrogen levels dropping sharply at that point in a woman’s menstrual cycle. (1) These hormone-triggered migraines can have a profoundly negative effect on…

Fluoroquinolone Toxicity – have you been floxed?

Quinolone antibiotics were first developed in the 1960s to work against a broad range of bacterial infections. Unfortunately, like most medications, there are a host of unwanted side effects and for a small amount of the population, fluroquinolone toxicity can have devastating effects. These may include symptoms of extreme fatigue, tendon rupture, joint and muscle…

How endocrine disruptors affect our health and hormones

In the last 25 years, research has demonstrated that endocrine disruptors in Australia and worldwide are linked to many health problems, including male reproductive disorders, premature death, obesity and diabetes, neurological impacts, breast cancer, endometriosis, female reproductive disorders, immune disorders, liver cancer, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s symptoms, prostate cancer and thyroid disorders. (1) So, what exactly are…

A Functional Medicine Approach to Autism

The concepts of Functional Medicine are well suited for disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder. The development of autism involves multiple organ system imbalances, including the brain, gut and immune systems and detoxification pathways. There is a wide range of severities and causes for children and adults with autism, so not everyone should be treated in…